Create Amazing Websites or Templates
using Joomla extensions

What is so special about our extensions?
Well, we have been in business since 2008, which is like... forever in Joomla time. During all these years, we have created unique software and got in touch with thousands of Joomla users from all around the globe. Having gained such precious experience in building Joomla extensions, we aim to create software that truly enhances your website building experience. But before talking about ourselves, let's take it from the beginning...
What is Joomla?
Joomla is a Content Management System (CMS). With Joomla, you can create websites and manage your content without knowing HTML or any other programming language.
Using a CMS like Joomla is the most modern way of creating a website. It's easy to install and use, and you can create virtually everything: from a small business profile to a large international e-shop.
Why choose Joomla over other CMSs like WordPress, Drupal, PrestaShop, etc?
Joomla is very well structured. It is built on a solid framework that allows extension developers to create software with a uniform structure, look and feel. It has built-in support for multilingual websites without use of third-party extensions and gives complete control over what is accessible from your front-end and how to present it.
Joomla is one of the best CMSs around. If you are creating a new website, we can make a success out of it using Joomla and our extensions. If you are planning on creating a custom extension, we have built more than 30 professional Joomla extensions. Our clientele mostly includes web agencies, but also doctors, medicals, engineers, schools, shops, warehouses and travel agencies. We would love to bring your idea to life, by creating your own personalized Joomla extension.

What is a Joomla extension?
A Joomla extension is a piece of software built by third-parties that extends the core functionality of Joomla. Such extensions include newsletters, maps, e-shops, bookmarking, contact forms, quizzes, questionnaires and a large variety of small functionalities that a website may feature. Joomla extensions are unique because of their constant evolution through clients' requests. Our development is "customer service oriented". This means that we work together with our clients and build new features based on their professional needs. This offers us the ability to steadily improve ourselves and our software basing our work on real data with real people.
Do we allow our extensions to be included in a Joomla template?
Of course! You are more than welcome to use our extensions in Joomla templates. Rapid Contact, our free contact form extension has been included in numerous Joomla templates. We would love to hear from you and learn what you've made with our extensions! If you include one of our commercial extensions, we kindly request you to inform your clients that they need a license to receive support and updates directly from us.
Why choose
Because we love creating software, and aim for perfection in everything we do. Hunderds of professionals trust us and work with us to advance and progress their business, in the evergrowing digital world.