Frequently Asked Questions for Simple Meta - a simple Joomla module to include meta data in any page.
This article describes how to use, configure or solve common problems, regarding Simple Meta.
General Questions
Simple Meta is a Joomla module that introduces the ability to include additional meta data in your pages, based on menu item, access level and language. Include meta elements such as JSON Microdata, canonical tags, and application icons (e.g., Apple Touch Icon) for improved SEO and user experience. Simple Meta does not provide any built-in SEO tricks or improvements. For more information about Simple Meta features, please visit the download page.
No. Simple Meta is a Joomla! extension and can only be used within the Joomla! CMS.
Please refer to the Simple Meta download page, on the right.
Installation & Configuration
To install Simple Meta, you follow the usual steps, as with installing any other Joomla! extension.
Navigate to System > Install, and under the tab "Upload Package File", you select the zip archive you downloaded from, and click "Upload & Install".
Wait until the package file gets installed and you should see a completion message. You are ready to go.
After installation, you may edit the Simple Meta module or create new module instances. Each module instance can include different meta data, in different pages.
Common Problems
Please confirm that the module is published and assigned to the appropriate menu items or pages within your Joomla backend. You may also check if your custom meta elements already exist in the page you are trying to edit.
Conflicts with other Joomla extensions can sometimes occur if other extensions add the same meta elements in your page. Try disabling the other extensions or making sure that Simple Meta is included in the page last, by setting it to a module position near the bottom of your template.