Migrating from Acymailing

1 year 11 months ago #1 by Jerzy
Migrating from Acymailing was created by Jerzy
Hello, Christopher

I´m new to NS Pro and I want to migrate all of our subscribers from Acymailing to NS Pro.
When I export subscribers list from Acymailing in cvs format I´m getting the list with "email" first and "name" second.
This is reverse in NS Pro where "name" is first and "email" second so our list gets imported the wrong way.

How can I change field order so Acymailing and NS pro match?
Also how do you perform importing custom fields so they match with NS Pro custom fields?

Thank you for your help

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1 year 11 months ago #2 by Christopher Mavros
Replied by Christopher Mavros on topic Migrating from Acymailing
Hello Jerzy and thank you for posting on our forum!

You can open the CSV file in Excel and switch the column order.
As far as I know, Acymailing subscribers are also registered as Joomla users (I may be mistaken) but if that is true, you can also directly import from Joomla users in the toolkit.

You can enable custom field importing in NS Pro component options (button Options on the top right of the Newsletter manager) and then in the Import, Export, Upload Options tab you can select which custom fields to import.
You can see the Import example to find the order in which they are imported, and arrange them using Excel.

After editing your file in Excel, make sure you save as CSV and retain that format.
Then you can import in NS Pro.

Let me know if that helps and feel free to post if you need any further assistance.

Christopher Mavros
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1 year 11 months ago #3 by Jerzy
Replied by Jerzy on topic Migrating from Acymailing
Hello, Christopher

Thank you for your amazingly fast reply, that`s something I do appreciate very much.
I will try your recomendation and let you know if that works.

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1 year 11 months ago #4 by Christopher Mavros
Replied by Christopher Mavros on topic Migrating from Acymailing
You 're very welcome!
Let me know if you need any further assistance.

Christopher Mavros
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1 year 11 months ago #5 by Jerzy
Replied by Jerzy on topic Migrating from Acymailing
Hello, Christopher

Can you point me out where is the option of enabling custom field importing in NS Pro component ?
I have visited NS Pro OPTIONS (the button) but can not find this option on any of tabs.
Or maybe I just have to choose Import Extra Fields one of options?
Soirry I´m a bit confused.

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1 year 11 months ago #6 by Christopher Mavros
Replied by Christopher Mavros on topic Migrating from Acymailing
In the Component Options, there is a tab called Import, Export, Upload Options.
In there you can find an Import Extra Fields option, which you can set to either: A. No, B. Yes, Only Published Fields and C. Yes, All Fields.

However, please note that these fields need to be created in the NS Pro extra fields view. These are not Joomla user custom fields.
NS Pro currently doesn't import data directly into Joomla users, because its database is completely detached to the Joomla users.
If you want, you can enable the NS Pro User Integration plugin to maintain both databases in sync, but there's currently no way to import custom field values directly from NS Pro.

Let me know if that is what you meant.

Christopher Mavros
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