Some observations after importing subscribers. Improving NS Pro

1 year 10 months ago - 1 year 10 months ago #1 by Jerzy
Hello, Christopher

I coud import subscribers to NS Pro and here are some problems I have found.

- When you import subscribers it happens that some of them have only email filed in and name is leaved in blank.
  In that case it is impossible to edit subscribers data nor add to new mailing list since only user name is clickeable but not user email. I think user email should be also clickeable to be able to edit user data.
- If the subscriber name field is empty it is impossible to send newsletter to him.
- If the Reply-to address field is blank when you create Newsletter. The newsletter will not send. It looks like Reply-to address is required but there is no notification on the newsletter page so it is litlle confusing.
If the Reply-to address field is blank the newsletter will not send but there is no explanation why the newsletter is not sending, until oyou figure out that htis is blank Reply-to address field.

I have clicked on links on the bottom of your standard template newsletter

Unsubscribe | Forward to Friend | Edit Preferences | Read online

So if user is subscribed to more mailing lists than ONE, and he click Unsubscribe, he will be unsubscribed from ALL mailing lists. He SHOULD be unsubscribed from the list he receives this newsletter ONLY.
So maybe instead of unsubscribing the user directly it would be better to show list of mailing lists he is subscribed to and ask him to unsubscribe from the mailing list of his choice.
Also when the user click on Edit Preferences link he will see ALL mailing lists visible on the website. I think he should ONLY see the mailing lists he is subscribed to.
So here is an idea:  show mailing lists based on joomla usergroup. This way it is much better to segment the users list to subgroups and show selected mailing list to selected access levels.

Than you!

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1 year 10 months ago #2 by Jerzy
I think the good solution for being able to edit users with empty NAME field would be add EDIT button in the upper joomla menu when you are inside NS Pro user manager.

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1 year 10 months ago #3 by Christopher Mavros
Hello Jerzy and thank you for posting. I apologize for the late reaction.
Normally, this should be split up in 4 different topics for future readers.

1. There is an edit button in the subscriber manager. You can simply select a subscriber row and click edit.
2. A newsletter should be able to be saved without a reply-to address. I'm not sure why you had such an issue.

3. If you want the subscriber to unsubscribe from the current list only, please use {link:LISTUNSUB}Your Text Here{/link} instead of {link:UNSUB}Your Text Here{/link}. This is documented in the Smart Text help, right in the newsletter edit page.

4. Thank you for your suggestion. You can create a template override of the file components/com_nspro/views/nspro/tmpl/editlists.php and customize it per your needs, if that helps.

Let me know if you need any further assistance. 

Christopher Mavros
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1 year 10 months ago - 1 year 10 months ago #4 by Jerzy
Hello, Christopher

1. The EDIT button is present on Mailing List, Newsletters, Email Templates, Extra Fields, but I can not find it on the "Subscribers". Maybe I´m missing something or it is placed elsewere. I have attached screenshot
and the EDIT button does not show.

2. Forget this point. I have tested it again and it sends emails with no problem even if NAME fields is empty.

3. OK I missed this one and I could not find explanation for this, but I see it now in the smart text help.

4. About this point. I do not know if template override will solve this. On the Edit prefference link the user only should see his list he is subscribed to but not ALL lists. 

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1 year 10 months ago #5 by Christopher Mavros
1. You are right. We hid it in Joomla 4 because of lack of space. I re-enabled it now. Please update to the latest version in order to view it.
2, 3. Ok.
4. I could add an option for this if you believe it is necessary.

Thanks again.

Christopher Mavros
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1 year 10 months ago - 1 year 10 months ago #6 by Jerzy

I could update NS Pro on one site. EDIT button shows on the Subscribers manager so that´s perfect.  I´m trying to update another site from 3.0.2338 but I got error: The checksum verification failed. Please make sure you are using the correct update server!  Interestingly the version it shows on the name description is NS Pro 3.0.2304 but installed is 3.0.2338.

OK nevermind, I have downloaded directly from your website and installed with no problem.

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