Question about demo newsletter and the newsletter progress

1 month 4 days ago #1 by Emmanouil
Hello. I have purchased the new Joomla V5 version which looks better than the previous ones, but I have 2 questions:

1) How can I send a Test newsletter in specific email addresses? I can only see a spam test but I can't find a button named "Test newsletter" so that I can see how my newsletter looks like.

2) And that's the most important of all. I have started sending the Newsletter but I can't see a full progress of it. I have a website with 75.000 users and this progress will definitely take some days ! So I want to know what is going on, which users received the email, where the email has stuck etc. etc.

The only thing that I see is a window that says that it will redirect me in 5 seconds.


Thank you.

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1 month 4 days ago #2 by Emmanouil
So the only thing that I see here is that the email was sent to only 240 users out of 75.000 users! And that there is a "Manual sending". So I have to manually click there whenever this email should be sent to another 240 people? I think I am missing something here.Isn't there an "Automatic functionality" so that the email will be sent to 240 users every a few minutes?


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1 month 4 days ago #3 by Christopher Mavros
Replied by Christopher Mavros on topic Question about demo newsletter and the newsletter progress
Kalispera Emmanouil and thank you for your purchase.
Welcome aboard!

1. In order to test your newsletter, please open a separate tab in your browser and use our Toolkit. From the Toolkit, you can send test newsletters while still working on your newsletter on the other tab.

2. As you correctly found out, the default setting for newsletter sending is manual. In order to schedule your newsletters and have them get sent without your direct supervision, please  create a cron job key and add it to your NS Pro options.

Let me know if that helps!

Christopher Mavros
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1 month 4 days ago - 1 month 4 days ago #4 by Emmanouil
Sorry but all these are chinese to me!

I just asked a button "Send a test newsletter" like other Components do.

I also asked a newsletter to be sent in installments. I generated that cron job key but all i see here is the date / time that the news letter will be "Scheduled to send" .

There is no button called ex. "Automatic send of the newsletter in every 100 recipients every 1 minute".

And I don't think it's so difficult to do this. We are not web developers. I will send you Super User credentials to send the newsletter to the rest of the recipients or you can make a video on how to do it because I can't understand anything here. I hope that is ok.

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1 month 4 days ago #5 by Christopher Mavros
Replied by Christopher Mavros on topic Question about demo newsletter and the newsletter progress
I apologize if this is too technical.

We have a dedicated page that you can send test emails. It's called the Toolkit. You can find it in your Joomla administrator menu under Components > NS Pro > Toolkit.

If you added a cron job key, you don't need to do anything else.
Just schedule your newsletter to a specific date and time to be sent, and your newsletter will start sending on that time and send X emails every 30 minutes.
X is the number that you write in your "Emails per Send" field. From your screenshots, that's set to 240, which is the default value.

Feel free to ask for more details if you want.

Christopher Mavros
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1 month 4 days ago - 1 month 4 days ago #6 by Emmanouil
1) About the Toolkit Ok , I found it.
But it would be much more useful if you would just put a button "Send test email" inside the Newsletter, so that it's easier.

2) About the Schedule which sends emails automatically, I still can't understand what is going on and I have a ton of questions:
A) The scheduled time that it says there is my time (Greek time?)

B ) I have chosen "Schedule" and I chose date and time on the right of the Newsletter.
And then I clicked "Send newsletter".
And it just sent another 240 emails and it stopped. So it still sends manually emails?

C) I have put the cron job key in Options/Advanced Options. When is the newsletter going to start being sent automatically to all of my users?

D) And finally, when this thing works is it going to send 240 emails every time? But in how many minutes? Where is the indication that says the number of minutes that it is going to send emails? This is very important.

Please provide a video so that I can understand what is going on. I have 75.000 users and we are going to spend hours until I understand.

It would be much easier if you could just provide a menu which says "Automatically send the email:
To [ ____ ] users
Every [ _ ] minutes

A "Send" menu and that's it. Otherwise, please provide a video on how to do it. I am a Computer Science graduate and I can't understand anything from this.

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